[-Q-] Mimic -Q-'s Logo

*slaps in the face, takes their gun and shoots them in the leg*

We are whole heartily focused on clan wars. Meaning if you have no interest in clan wars dont bother applying. We are mostly around here just for fun. When it starts getting serious, it becomes a job instead of a video game. We're decent folk, trying to be drama free. We continue to push towards the top of the food chain hoping for better things. But Wargaming seems to be against that, since we constantly get shitty updates to the global map. But anyway, im running out of room. To answer your question, yes -G- is our sub-clan. (not really haha) :D


WN8 = 1500 or higher (overall)
Tier ten tank = 3 or higher
Teamspeak used during Strongholds, Clan wars, and Platoons
(No mic is needed but is STRONGLY recommended)
Number of battles = 8000 or higher

Dont have 1500 wn8 yet quite yet? Still interested in joining the Mimic Community?
Anyone under 1500wn8 please apply to Mimicus [-QQ-]

Name Tier Battles Win Rate WN8 Average