[N1NJA] Necromancing Ninja Assassins of the Night N1NJA's Logo

Teaching Ninja Tankers Necromancing

Friday the 13th has killed N1NJA 2.0... N1NJA 3.0 will be something new; coming (possibly) soon.

N1NJA is a hybrid Clan; hoping to provide an exceptional experience to all tankers. Our Clan focuses include:
-Weekly Tournaments
-Clan Wars (of all Tiers)
-Clan Events (Just for fun)
-Fun fun and fun

-1,750 overall WN8
-2,250 recent WN8
-Team Speak 3
-3 viable Tier 6's, 2 viable Tier 8's, 1 viable Tier 10
-Good attitude*
-3 day attendance per week minimum.
-3 day evaluation period prior to being accepted to the Clan

*We will NOT tolerate any form of toxicity. By being a part of our community, you agree to conduct yourself in a respectable manner. Be mature, keep rage to a minimum, no stat-bashing, etc. Depending on the severity of the violation, punishment may range from withheld payouts to being removed from the Clan.

Good luck, tankers!

Name Tier Battles Win Rate WN8 Average