[INTEL] Intriguing Network of Tankers Endangering Lemmings INTEL's Logo

Leap Ahead

At the moment INTEL is mainly does platooning and strongholds/Clan wars with tournaments on the side. We are very active on the clan wars map have been very successful. We participate in clan wars fights pretty much every night.

We have good fights and bad fights(more often good fights).When we lose we learn from our mistakes and don't repeat them. We will continue to grow and improve on our skill as time goes on. No one is perfect and everyone has room to improve. We stride to eventually become a top clan on the server. We know it will take time, but we are in it for the long haul.

Recruitment contact: Joe21599, BengalsWhodey, ZacyMacy2.

Diplo contact: Joe21599 or ZacyMacy

TS: vs33.tserverhq.com:7061

INTEL is recruiting players who have a desire to be the best, these our average player statistics and our requirements.

IS-3/T54 light
When in game in TS
2000 WN8 recent
55% Win rate recent
Be active 3 to 4 days a week for clan activities

Name Tier Battles Win Rate WN8 Average