[SBW] Short Bus Warriors SBW's Logo

I don't care if you lick windows, run into walls , or eat crayons. You will be accepted in SBW!!!

We are made up of disabled people, non disabled people, and even have some Veterans. We are a group of people who enjoys playing the game. While we like to win and hate losing, it is about having a good time while playing the game. We are a tier 10 Clan Wars clan. We do gold payouts for those who do clan Wars and Strongholds. We will be doing strongholds, clan wars, and tournaments. Members will be required to be in Teamspeak 3 while in game. Members will be required to join in on clan functions. WE will not tolerate any drama of any kind. First sign of drama the person or persons causing it, will be removed from the clan. You need to have thick skin as well. We joke and have a good time. You will need to have thick skin as we joke a lot.

You need to have a 1000 wn8, 48 percent wr, 5k battles played, on 3 nights a week during non clan wars seasons and 5 nights a week during clan wars. Will need 2 meta tier 10s, a mixture of 6's and 8's for strongholds.

Name Tier Battles Win Rate WN8 Average