[IFM] Infamous. IFM's Logo

Farseer_Junka (1/27/2024 11:54:23 PM) cant wait to clap you with my fines accnt bud

Infamous is a clan with great and entertaining people we made the clan to be a casual fun clan. We are planning on joining in Clan Wars daily and joining weekend tournaments if you think you meet the requirements or can contribute to the clan by being an awesome player then message me or one of our recruitment officers.

Infamous minimum requirements:

*Must be in Discord while in battle
*Must have 2 tier 10 tanks
*2000+ recent WN8
*Participate in clan wars 4 days a week
Exceptions can be made

You can reach us at our Discord just ask for Stim or another officer.

Name Tier Battles Win Rate WN8 Average