[-1AR-] 1st Armoured Regiment - AU/NZ Special Operations Division -1AR-'s Logo

First Armoured, First in Battle!

-1AR- is one of the longest standing clans on the WOT ASIA server with a proud history of active
Clan War participation and a well regarded, friendly and adult community.

We all know clans that talk about not being toxic or having a toxic free environment - and we all know a lot of that is B.S.... at 1AR we practice what we preach so if you want a toxic free environment to blow up a few tanks whilst blowing the top off a few frothies, do some Clan Wars, Advances or just a cheeky chill platoon - 1AR could be for YOU!

Seen an example of toxicity from a member? Please send it to directly to an officer via discord along with the replay for speedy action.

Got a Tier 10 tank or 2 that's Clan Wars worthy? Drop in an application NOW!
Current clan not meeting expectations? Drop tags!
Missed out on or picked up a Chieftain recently and want to play it, or something else? #GetOnBoard the 1AR train NOW!

If you are interested in joining - join the discord at https://discord.gg/PdVF8YWTBS

Name Tier Battles Win Rate WN8 Average