[JORM] Jörmungandr JORM's Logo

"Izgubljeno zlato moze se naci, izgubljeno vrijeme nikada." Xiao He

JORM is an international clan with a competitive mindset and a friendly community. Our wish is to recruit good players who enjoy doing Clan Activities and knows how to play as a team.

Expectations are to have minimum recent wn8 : 2.3k . Exceptions CAN be made.

We are playing skirmishes and advances every single day, practicing and preparing for the next Global Map event. You are not required to participate in Clan activities every day, but we expect you to play atleast a few times a week.

In order to join our clan, it is vital to ATLEAST have these two vehicles: Obj 277. and Obj. 140.
to have are: CS-63, EBR 105, STB-1, T110E3, 60TP, E 100, AMX 50B, Obj, 907, T95/FV4201 Chieftain, Obj. 260, Obj. 279(e) and Conqueror Gun Carriage.

Enjoy the game guys!
Other vehicles that are important

Name Tier Battles Win Rate WN8 Average